empathy crisis

Living in the “dark red zone” makes me questioning about the real face of Indonesian who raging against discrimination, but offending others mindset and way of life in dealing with “new normal”. Hold on, don’t get emotional. I’m pretty sure you won’t offend what I will tell later in this blog if you acknowledge the fact that the infection curves jump and no clue when to go down, in the majority of in this country region, especially in Surabaya UNTIL NOW. when some people get fed up with what the government says and pretend to effectively cope this crisis, they are also some and many people who want to force their mindset and standards about how to deal with the “new normal” when even they never act like “normal “before to handle this crisis. a human with no empathy to other’s mindset who always claimed to be tolerant but dare enough to shout others as coward when practicing completely social distancing. these people were not wearing masks, talking non-sense in group, and spread the understanding that this pandemic crisis is political interest. Don’t confront them about what do they mean with political interest unless you are ready to get frustrated. Because these people even dare to claim his family who died as covid-free, although they were clearly buried by Covid health protocol. I could tell this because I live in one of Surabaya dense-populated sub-district, with the highest rate of Covid-19 patients. Why this was happened? they were despair and imitating their “leaders” who don’t listen to scientists. So many leaders in this country right? don’t ask me about how this emergency of trust happened.

These people start to bully you if you are not coming to your neighbors’ funeral and getting fined about 50,000 rupiahs when you are not attending night patrol, when 2-4 people gather there to have coffee and eat fried bananas in one plate. Will they use masks, face shields and gloves?. One thing is for sure, smokers will chat while smoking to resist drowsiness. It’s normal for them, and they force this mindset on other people who don’t agree with it.

The government has never clearly explained whether it is “new normal”, they are not aware that in crisis period, people needs instruction, because they never experienced this before.  IN THIS COUNTRY, YOU ONLY NEED TO KNOW HOW TO BEHAVING “NEW NORMAL” IN MALL. No guideline for CFD, no guideline for public transporting, no guideline for having community meeting that REPEATEDLY socialized. we should learn from Jacinda Ardern, an excellent communicator and strategic planner to guide you in detail and smart over Facebook live chat.  When, strategic planning failed, communication failed, building empathy crisis among people failed. what will you expect from this country unless you maintain your “bubble” stronger, your health protocols, your toughness with these hypocrite people, and your survival kits to deal with any uncertainty including the economy, education sustainability, and most importantly , how about meeting Covid in front of your nose. Quoting what Jacinda always socializes, “be kind, stay at home”, and pretend that “we already have Covid”, allows us to empathize, keep social distancing, keep sanitizing and protect the lives of others.

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